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How we work with you

One Green Solutions is an initiative. We believe by creating an energy efficient and improved working environment we can deliver the right solutions with the right outcomes for your business and home.

Our Goals

Our clients can reduce their total energy spend by 45% on average

An OGS energy analysis will give you a clear path of action towards reducing costs. We examine a range of energy savings options including: lighting, lighting design, HVAC and solar power.


  • Identifying existing consumption patterns

  • Identify immediate opportunities for power reduction

  • Advanced technologies with industry leading ROI

  • Utilising cutting edge energy reduction technologies and practices

  • Focus on commercial viability and maximized returns

  • Analysis of future energy roadmap

  • Reduce greenhouse gases

  • Ensure all work is done to the highest standards taking into account the required workflow and all relevant OH&S

Workflow & Warranties

OGS will give you a few weeks’ notice of our work commencement date to fit in with your own company timelines and schedule although it is envisaged that our work will create little or no downtime in your business.

If you need to be open to the public during business hours we will work before you open each day and in some cases after you close if required.

When we come to your premises we will bring our “Safety Work Method Plan” and all contractors work under Government occupational health and safety guidelines

All contractors are insured for any accidents that either result in health related issues or damage to your stock or property

Products and workmanship are covered for 5 years from the date of installation.

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